Monday, August 19, 2013

Millie Monday

Crap. Mom's going day hunting today. I like it when she stays home so I can get scritches any time I want.


Megan said...

Yeah - but if she were around too often, you'd probably find it difficult to nap where and when you liked and there'd be less time for quiet contemplation and reflection, planning your blog posts, drinking out of the water fountain without being spotted doing it and generally living a life of ease. I'm thinking that perhaps you're a bit lonesome today because your mom was out all day Saturday delivering her quilting workshop, so that was just like a day hunting day, leaving you only a one-day weekend. Cheer up. Things will be back to normal next weekend.

Sydney, Australia

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

But if she stayed home all the time, where would the green papers come from to buy treats and food and toys!

The Meezers or Billy said...

when she's away you can look for new a inneresting places to hide. and new stuff to play wif! - I really enjoyed mine bisit wif you!! - Miles

Summer at said...

Too bad you can't pay your human a skritching salary, Millie!

Cats Herd You said...

If you sleep the whole time, it will seem like she just left. And it also means you'll have extra energy to make random noise after she goes to bed!

Anonymous said...

I hope things have calmed down at your mom's day hunt.

Queenie Believe said...

Mondays do have a way of taking us by surprise... in not so fun ways.
Hang in there!
Always, Queenie

Shaggy and Scout said...

Darn that day hunting stuff!

Saku said...

What Shaggy and Scout said, MOL

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Just Ducky said...

and mooch treats.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Yeah, crap. We hate Mom-gone days, too.