Monday, May 21, 2007

Monochromatic Monday

This is me on the quilt on Mom's bed. It is made entirely from fabrics with black backgrounds. Do you think she likes black? Actually she likes Black-&-White more than she likes just black (gee, there's a big surprise!)

This is me on a Black and White quilt with Green. It is going to a very special, handsome Southern gentlecat. I had to do the final QA check. It passed.

As you are reading this, there are a dozen flying quilts on their way to cats all over the country. Mom is psyched. I'm excited because -finally- she'll be making one for me.

The Feline Sextet
and the Jellicle Cats tagged Jasmine and me, but that's gonna have to wait until tomorrow's blog.


Parker said...

You look so lovely in that last photo! (So do the quilts!)

Ben & Darling said...

Wow you look said you are adorable...I have a feline sis too. Her name is Milky & she is black,grey & white.

Anonymous said...

Millie yore furry pretty sittin on yer mom's bed and kwilt. Mine mom says she gonna get Gizzy kwilts fer us too.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

More beautiful quilts! :) And you look lovely posing on them, Millie. :)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Millie, QA is furry impurrtant. Yoor doing a good job, so is Jasmine. Are yoo getting paid in kitty treets?

Anonymous said...


Lisa said...

Millie - would your mom have any use for a bunch of pretty 2"x2" fabric squares in all kinds of colors and patterns? I have a bunch and they are hers if she wants 'em.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

Oh our Momma would luv that quilt that is black and all colours. It is beautioful ~Poiland tribe

Zoey and the furballs said...

Wow, you almost blend in those quilts. They are very beautiful quilts but we liked how nicely you stood out against the pink one the other day.

Monty Q. Kat said...

MomBean wants to wash my quilt so I hafta hide it. It won't smell like you anymore if she cleans it! :(